Indoor Boys, the critically acclaimed and award-winning web series written and directed by and starring Alex Wyse and Wesley Taylor, premiered its third season on Tuesday, October 1. The entire season is available for streaming on the show’s website at   

Indoor Boys, which originally premiered in 2017, follows two homebody roommates as they navigate the boundaries of their no-boundaries friendship. 

The series is a 2019 Indie Series Award winner for Best Comedy, Best Comedy Writing, Best Guest Actress in a Comedy (Krysta Rodriguez), and Best Guest Actor in a Comedy (Michael Kostroff), and a 2018 Indie Series Award winner for Best Actor in a Comedy (Alex Wyse) and Best Guest Actress in a Comedy (Patrika Darbo).

In addition to Wyse and Taylor, the cast of season three features Carolee Carmello, Veanne Cox, Krysta Rodriguez, Isaac Powell, Kyle Harris, Michael Tacconi, Frankie Grande, Sean Grandillo, Daniel K. Isaac, and Ann Harada, with Laura Silverman, Kathryn Gallagher, Erich Bergen, Ben Fankhauser, Nathan Lee Graham, Alex Boniello, Kathy Fitzgerald, Deidre Goodwin, Drew Gehling, Patrika Darbo, Andre Ward, Josh Lamon, Andrew Chappelle, Natalie Walker, Paige Turner, Solea Pfeiffer, Alex Gibson, Chris Murphy, Vasthy Mompoint, John Wascavage, Molly Hager, Kat Nejat, and Noah Galvin. 

Executive Producers for Indoor Boys are Michael Kushner, Jim Kierstead, Jim Head, and Cody Lassen. Producers are Jack Sharkey, Susan A Thomas, and Steven Tylor O’Connor. Co-Producers are Jenny Ainsworth, Betsy Driben-Lichtman, Denise Wyse, and Robert Wyse.

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